Friday, March 26, 2010

We're back!

We have had some internet problems the last two weeks, but now we're back. As always, computer glitches can be so frustrating, but there was some good too. It gave me much extra time for other things and caused me to think carefully about the time I do spend on the computer.

Mainly, I regretted not being able to tell you about all the fun Bri and I had during her Spring Break visit with Jessie and to show you some of the pictures of her. Sorry this took so long, Bri, but I'm thankful for the extra time we had since I couldn't "worry" about all the important (!) e-mails I was missing.

Anyone who knows Bri even a little knows that her #1 favorite pasttime is jumping. These first two pictures show her in action. The second one was taken at Lost in Fun and I was pretty excited about how my camera caught her in action. And, one of her #2 pasttimes is making silly faces. The other three pictures show this in action.

We did many things not chronicled here--Mexicali VBS at church, fed the kittens, played in the surprise snow, went to library story time, went to the Lincoln Children's Museum, went to Investigation Station at the State Historical Museum, visited great-grandparents, made waffles, baked cupcakes and cookies, and had a tea party! We were busy, but had great fun. I love it when I have each grandchild all to myself!

Thanks, Bri, for being brave enough to come so far for such a long visit. I hope this will be the beginning of a long annual tradition.
Have a great day, everyone reading this!


Susan said...

Tons of FUN!! I knew, when you said you had been without the computer that it would make you re-evaluate time spent computing!! I always think of that too, when my computer is down. Thanks for the great photos Grammie! What do your grandchildren call you?

Margaret said...

Thanks for your comment. Emily and Bri call me Grandma Margaret (to distinguish from Grandma Susanne) and the rest just say Grandma. When Bri would wake in the morning, I could hear her calling, "Gama Mrgt!" John goes by Popo to some because Jacob started that.

Jess said...

I love that pic of you and Bri! It's so adorable! :)

Stephanie Brandt said...

That first picture cracks me up! Also, I keep forgetting to tell you thanks for the little photo book from Bri's visit. The girls were so excited to open the package that day, and they absolutely love looking at those little albums. The other day a friend was over looking at Bri's album, so then Emily had to go up and get hers to show her, too!

Michelle Traudt said...

I'm glad you're back! Those are adorable pictures!! Sounds like you guys had a fun and busy time.

Unknown said...

I just stumbled upon your blog! I love it! Enjoyed it so much. I am looking forward to my first grandchild, a girl, arriving in a couple of months and I look forward to doing similiar things with her as the years pass. :-)

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