Mainly, I regretted not being able to tell you about all the fun Bri and I had during her Spring Break visit with Jessie and to show you some of the pictures of her. Sorry this took so long, Bri, but I'm thankful for the extra time we had since I couldn't "worry" about all the important (!) e-mails I was missing.
Anyone who knows Bri even a little knows that her #1 favorite pasttime is jumping. These first two pictures show her in action. The second one was taken at Lost in Fun and I was pretty excited about how my camera caught her in action. And, one of her #2 pasttimes is making silly faces. The other three pictures show this in action.
We did many things not chronicled here--Mexicali VBS at church, fed the kittens, played in the surprise snow, went to library story time, went to the Lincoln Children's Museum, went to Investigation Station at the State Historical Museum, visited great-grandparents, made waffles, baked cupcakes and cookies, and had a tea party! We were busy, but had great fun. I love it when I have each grandchild all to myself!