Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pictures of Paisley!

These are some pictures I took of Paisley when we were there for New Year's. I have copies in my tutoring room and enjoy looking at them each day. Isn't she cute?
You can go to Steph's blog to see some pictures of Emily and Bri!
More progress on the dress project--today I made the petticoat. That gave me something to do while we wait for the fabric to arrive.
Have a great day!


Susanne Scheppmann said...

Darling! Look at that hair!

Margaret said...

Yes, she has plenty of hair. Jessie had made her French braids that day.

The Weeklys said...

She is precious! But so are all your grandkids. Where did you end up getting Jessie's fabric?

Anonymous said...

We ordered it online from or something like that. Hopefully, it will work out!