Friday, March 27, 2009
John made it to the match to surprise Jessie with her graduation present/car! I haven't really seen it up close yet because Dave was riding with John and needed to get home. So, he left the match and we rode home with Helmink's. John and Jessie went to Dave's this morning so she could drive it to school.
Tomorrow Norris has a triangular with Waverly and Blair at the Nebraska Tennis Center--indoors, I hope!
The prom dress is almost finished. I put the straps on yesterday/this morning and hope to finish that up tonight after Jessie tries it on one more time.
Tonight we're cooking lasagna for the bands for the concert tomorrow night. Brad's band and another one are playing at church tomorrow night for a benefit for Mexicali. I hope lots of kids come out for it!
I know--I need to be putting some pictures on, but I didn't take any last night.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tomorrow is Jessie's first tennis match. She's playing #2 singles and #1 doubles with Melissa Seifert, who is the #1 singles player. I just hope it warms up a little--for the spectators. The girls are moving around.
Have a great day!
Monday, March 23, 2009
I have the zipper in Jessie's dress, but can't continue before another fitting. The daily fittings slow everything down for me, but I don't want to do something I regret later. Making sure the bodice fits snugly, but not too tightly, is a challenge.
I did finish Jane Eyre and really enjoyed it. I could see a few connections to the Thirteenth Tale, but I liked Jane much better. It was so romantic and taught some good spiritual lessons as well. I suppose I should stick with the classics--they never disappoint me!
Have a great day!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Diary of a Prom Dress
I think there's a good chance I can have most of it done by next Saturday--my goal. Jessie is still deciding on some of her embellishments, but they can be done anytime. I'm just concerned with having most of it complete before Mexicali.
Keep checking in!
Have a great day!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
God of this City
I was reminded that everything I try to do on my own is in vain, but with God I shall be valiant. So whether my foes are difficult people, or difficult circumstances, or my own difficult sins, I need God's help to conquer them. I don't see myself having "foes" among any people, but sometimes I let circumstances discourage me, and certainly my recurring sins are enemies to me. I need the reminder to ask for God's help with all things. He wants only the best for me, and nothing is impossible with Him. So, . . .what am I waiting for?
Have a great day!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Pictures of Paisley!

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Making Progress!
The practice dress is still a work in progress, but I think it will be as good as it will get today. I just need to take the straps off and re-do them a little.
As for reading, I'm getting into Jane Eyre--hoping to unlock some of the secrets of the book The Thirteenth Tale that I read a couple weeks ago. Jane Eyre is such a classic I'm ashamed to admit that I've never read it. I remember Wuthering Heights fondly, but have never read much more of that era.
In the Bible, I'm in the midst of Ezra--always interesting. At our Bible study we're watching a series of DVD's made by Anita (I can't remember her last name). She does a wonderful job of portraying women in the Bible. Today we watched Sarah and Martha. It's amazing the talent of this woman in recreating these women's lives.
Have a great day!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Amazing Grace
Last year I read Wilberforce's book Real Christianity and saw the movie Amazing Grace based on his fight against slavery in the British Parliament and on his friendship with John Newton, a former captain of a slave ship and the author of the hymn Amazing Grace. The book I just finished is a mini-biography of both Newton and Wilberforce. The "amazing" thing about this book is the way the authors have woven the lives of these men around the various aspects of God's amazing grace--from His maternal grace to His long-suffering grace to His sufficient grace to His compelling grace. The title of each of the brief 18 chapters is an adjective describing a feature of God's grace, and each chapter describes how God transformed these men so they might transform our world. I could see how God was arranging the world of Newton and Wilberforce for His purpose in their lives and in their world. And, I was reminded how God does the same thing for me each day. Amazing!
On a different note, progress on Jessie's prom dress is going forward! Yesterday I re-did the practice dress somewhat. Today I'm going to sew on the straps and figure out how much material we need. Jessie's having trouble finding the right fabric, so we're on a search for that. Any suggestions? Otherwise, so far, so good!
Have a great day!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I fear all my readers have hastened to Facebook, leaving me here all alone! Isn't that just the way life is--as soon as I learn something new, everyone else has learned something newer and I'm still behind? Oh, well!
My latest project is sewing Jessie's prom dress--I agreed to do this because she asked--I didn't offer until then! My goal is to work on it a little each day and have it complete before we leave for Mexicali on April 4. Prom is May 2. I'm making a practice muslin dress first, and yesterday I sewed the practice bodice to fit it on her. Today I'm going to try to re-do that a little, or make an alternate choice. Pray for me in this. She already had one nightmare about it before I even started. I think it will be fun--as long as I work on it slowly and carefully. After all, I did make my own wedding dress, but that was 40 years ago. The sewing machine is the same--is the seamstress? We'll see!
Have a great day!