Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year! I'm starting out 2009 with a blog. We'll see how it goes.

These are pictures of our family, so you can see everyone is looking good!

We were at Brian's in Austin for Christmas, then went to Longview to spend New Year's with Annie and her family. We'll return home tomorrow, Jan. 2. We've had a great time in both places. We've spent much too much time eating, some time playing games, and some time shopping.

John and David are busy building a playhouse/swing set for Paisley. We'll see if they are able to finish it today!

We pray all of you are looking forward to a fantastic New Year praising and serving our Lord.


linda amen said...

Way to go Margaret! Hope you stick with it better than I did.

The Weeklys said...

Welcome to blogging, Margaret. I think the best part of blogging is reading the comments that people leave. Of course, a person needs to keep up their blog in order to get comments. I'm going to have to get on that! I'm like Linda, hope you stick with it better than me.

Susanne Scheppmann said...

Congratulations on the blog. I think you will be a wonderful blogger. You know that I am lagging blogger. I am going to try to do better in 2009. Keep me accountible.

Margaret said...

I'm not promising to be a faithful blogger, so don't anyone hold her breath. This is just a trial.

Margaret said...

I'm testing to see if I have this fixed so anyone can comment.

Anonymous said...

I don't follow blogs much, even my own daughter's, but I'm excited that you are breaking into cyberspace.

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