Saturday, September 4, 2010
Piper's Homecoming
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Piper Ann McMillan
Friday, August 27, 2010
Summer Adventure 2010--Glacier to Yellowstone
But, prior to Lewis and Clark's discovery that the Missouri River began at the confluence of three rivers which they named the Jefferson, the Madison, and the Gallatin, Sacajewa's tribe, the Shoshones, were gathered at this spot when, as a young girl, she was kidnapped by an enemy tribe. It was not until later during the Lewis and Clark expedition that she was reunited with her brother and the Shoshone tribe she called home.
Have a great day!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
On Sundays throughout the tourist season, Jessie worked with a team of 2-4 other college students who provided worship services for park workers and visitors. They had both Sunday morning and Sunday evening services with worship music and a short devotional.
This dapper gentleman is "Jammer Joe," a special friend on the support board of the ministry. They are adults either working in the park or living nearby who provide prayer and encouragement for the students working away from home, sometimes in rather isolated situations. He is a dear man who worked in Glacier as a college student then returned when he heard they were hiring seniors. He drives a "jammer," one of the refurbished red buses in the next picture.

This last picture was taken on the last night of our visit when the other students on the team and a couple friends joined us for a cookout. They are all great kids who love God's creation and serving His people.
So. . . if you know an adventurous college student who needs a great job for next summer, encourage them to check out the website above and start the application process. I would have LOVED this job as a college student. The ministry started in 1951, but no one ever told me about it!
Or. . . if you're ever visiting any of our national parks on a Sunday, be sure to attend the worship service in the park and tell the kids there how much you appreciate them. Most people are not aware the services are available.
Have a great day!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Summer Adventure--Nebraska and Montana
Here he is in front of a greenhouse of thousands of pine seedlings at the Nebraska National Forest in Halsey. It is a great stop for a picnic lunch on the way to northwest Nebraska. The Nebraska part of our trip was a re-visit to places we had vacationed to when our children were at home, so it was very special to take Jacob to some of those same places and do some of the same things.
After Halsey our next stop was Chadron State Park. We truly enjoyed our time there. It was probably our favorite cabin of all our stops, and while there we fished, hiked, and had a campfire. And, one of Jacob's favorites--he and I went horseback riding. His horse was Socks, and our wrangler took us on some of the same steep trails that Steph and I had taken many years ago. The difference was that she was much younger and had to ride double with me. The wranger told us they don't allow that anymore!

While staying at Chadron, we drove over to Ft. Robinson, which stills looks just like it did when we were there about 27 years ago. We went on the Chuckwagon Cookout again, and they still serve buffalo stew!
The Nebraska sunset on our ride back to the fort was one of the best we saw during our trip.
Our next stop after leaving Nebraska was the Little Bighorn Battlefield, also known as the place of Custer's Last Stand. On the way, we read a book about Custer's life, so we were familiar with the details of the battle when we arrived. The book made the scenes come alive for us.
This is a stunning wire sculpture honoring the indians who fought there.
These gravestones mark where Custer fell with his men around him.
Our next stop was Glacier Lodge in East Glacier, Montana. John and I are enjoying a few moments on the porch of the lodge on our first morning.
Here is a picture of part of the lodge. It is a beautiful hotel built in 1912-1913 by James J. Hill, the railroad baron of St. Paul, Minneosta, who wanted to bring travelers on his trains to the park. His work was successful and travelers still visit the several lodges throughout the park.
None of my descriptions nor any of my pictures do Glacier National Park any justice. The beauty cannot be captured, but must be enjoyed in person. But, here are a few of my attempts.
The trees are magnificent. Here's Jacob inside one of the bigger ones.
Jessie, Kevin, and Jacob enjoyed white water rafting down the river and we enjoyed watching them.
This is a picture of one of our many hikes. This is the hiline hike near Logan Pass. You can see it is quite steep, but amazingly beautiful. And, notice how the kids are dressed. The temperatures were in the 40's some of the time!
This is the only glacier that can be seen from the Going to the Sun Road, the only road that crosses the park.
I love this picture of the hike to St. Mary's Falls. You can gain a perspective of the heighth of the trees--the Douglas firs.
This next picture is one of the kids picking huckleberries. Unfortunately, I don't have a good picture of the berries--not sure why, no excuse. They look like a blueberry, but slightly smaller, on the outside, but they are juicier and tastier and the juice is red. They are the main food for bears at this time of year, but we enjoyed them just as much as the bears do. Fortunately, the bears let us have some without bothering us about it. Notice, we had a warmer day this time.
This was taken on our hike to Aster Falls at Two Medicine, where Jessie worked.
This is the lake and mountains at Two Medicine. I just had to try my hand at one of those classic reflection pictures.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Rainey and her Featherweight Singer
But, my main project with Rainey was teaching her to do a little sewing. Her mom and her grandma both have one of these darling little Singer sewing machines--called featherweights and made in about 1955. Michelle's belonged to HER grandmother, so it is quite precious.
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